How To Order
There are several steps in order to make your deadlineHow To Order
Keeping procedure will help
Bacon ipsum dolor amet ground round cow tri-tip biltong short ribs kevin, pastrami beef ribs shoulder pork corned beef bacon. Boudin doner shank, porchetta sausage sirloin pork belly filet mignon tri-tip turducken kielbasa flank jowl. Picanha ball tip shank spare ribs jerky turkey biltong strip steak. Hamburger sausage alcatra, turducken ham hock swine tail doner brisket kevin. Turkey drumstick beef short loin. Bresaola pork rump shank alcatra. Boudin swine hamburger, bresaola rump landjaeger drumstick biltong kevin chuck.
We need your input
Not everyone is a designer or knows how to use a computer. Not to worry,we have staff for that.
It’s hard to imagine a small lapel pin, medal, coin or lanyard would have some many details. We have a few questions that will help us produce your product.
- What product are you looking to have custom made?
- Lapel Pin, Medal, Full Colour Lanyard, a Coin, Service Award or Button
- Do you have a design idea in mind?
- If you have sketched out your ideas you can fax them to us or scan and upload them to us.
- When do you need your products by?
- Please keep in mind we need about 4 weeks to produce the pin. There is also the design time and we need to ship them to you.
Just the Facts
The Design Process Begins …
Once we have your ideas and information, we turn it over to the designers. Depending on how many ideas you provided, the designers may want to sketch out some ideas, do some research into your event, or event location to see if there are any landmarks or history they can include into the design.
Depending on the pin style chosen, there are limitations to the design.
For example: a Printed Pin, can have a more detailed design because the artwork is printed directly onto the pin. A supposed to a a Soft Enamel pin. This style of pin uses ‘raised’ metal to separate the colours.
Artwork Proofs
Approval & Order
Once the artwork has been approved by you, we are able to send it off the production team.
They use the digital version of the artwork to make the necessary dies ….
Approve and Order
Packaging & Shipping
For the most part, we have completed your order. We have set this stage to 99% because the final 1% of the order process is for you to open your shipment and be ecstatic about your custom order.
As part of The Pin People Guarantee, please let us know if there any issues with your order. If there are no issues, GREAT! Then we would love to hear back from you.