The backbone of any event, fundraiser or festival!



It’s important to recognize volunteers.

Where would organizations and events be without the dedicated volunteers who sacrifice hours of their time planning and managing events and day-to-day activities? 

We feel it’s important to recognize and engage volunteers. When they are rewarded, they are more inclined to continue to feel the sense of pride that drew them to volunteer in the first place. When they feel appreciated at an event, we have found that attendees, athletes and delegates all have a great time. Pins are a very easy way to identify your volunteers and help them to feel involved through pin trading and collecting. At the very least, they provide the volunteer with a permanent keepsake to remind them of the great times and camaraderie they experienced.

Volunteer Lapel Pins

A great way to recognize your volunteers is simply with a specifically designated Volunteer Lapel Pin. 

A token of your appreciation, unique to and available only to volunteers, a lapel pin will be a cherished memento for years to come.

Over the years we have worked with countless event organizations who have chosed to reward their volunteers with a special pin or pins. Please call us to discuss what you can do! We have lots of great ideas!

How to Appreciate Your Volunteers?

Taking the time to recognize volunteers is important. If you want to keep volunteers and recruit new volunteers.

Give Them The Bigger Picture

One way to thank volunteers is to give them perspective about what they’re doing. There are many tasks for volunteers and sometimes volunteers have mundane tasks. Let your volunteers know the larger picture. Not only for what they’re doing but why they’re doing it. Show that you respect them and appreciate their work.

Provide Food For Your Volunteers When They Work.

Be sure to provide food or beverages for them as they work. It keeps them energized and shows that you care.

Check-In With Your Volunteers

Be sure to check-in with your volunteers. Especially if your volunteers are not on the front lines. If they’re looking tired, give them a break. If they’re looking bored, offer to give them a different task.

Feature Volunteer Stories On Your Blog/Website.

Take time to interact with your volunteers. Not only to thank them for their work but also to get to know them. If your organization requires volunteers year-round or every time you have an event. Then one way to do this would be to feature one volunteer a month on your blog or website.

Interview them yourself. You and the volunteer are winners. The volunteer gets to tell their story. You get feedback as well as some great material that you can use for volunteer recruitment.

Give Your Volunteers Awards

Depending on your event, festival or organization. You may have volunteers that show up every time and go above and beyond.

Nominate them for awards such as “Volunteer of the Year.” You can even get creative and have many categories. Remember if you had to use employees or pay others to do the work volunteers do, it will cust

Send your Volunteers a handwritten Thank You card

Sending them a thank you card. In the age of email and social media, the handwritten letter is a novelty. Bonus points. Personalizing the message with their name. Or thank them for a specific task they did during their time volunteering.

The Pin People | Laurie Artiss Ltd.


Looking to have a lapel pin made for your sporting event, class reunion, social or service club?


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© 2025 Laurie Artiss Limited | The Pin People